République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’ Education Nationale
Brevet d’Enseignement Moyen ( a suggested sample)
Matière: Anglais ( durée : 1h 30 )
Part 1 : ( 14 pts )
Read the text carefully then answer the questions .
When you eat , you should hold the knife firmly in one hand and the fork in the other .
You should cut your food with the knife . You should push the food onto your fork with the knife .You should put the food into your mouth with the fork and not with the knife .
You must chew food very slowly . You must keep your mouth closed while chewing . You must never speak while you have food in your mouth . You mustn’t put too much food in your mouth at a time . You must take small bites only .
You should put the napkin on your lap . When you have finished eating , you should wipe your mouth with your napkin and place it neatly on the plate . You should put your knife and fork together on the plate . You shouldn’t put them on the table cloth .
( from “ On The Move” p: 23 , by S.A . Arab and B. Riche )
A – Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
a- Match each statement with the corresponding paragraph ( 05 pts )
statement paragraph
I am eating 1
I have just finished eating 2
I am going to eat 3
b- Lexis : ( 02 pts )=
1- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning
to the following .
to take = _____________ to put = _________________
2- Find in the text words , phrases or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the following .
quickly =/= ___________________ separately =/= _____________________
B- Grammar ( 07 pts )
a- Turn into the negative form .
- People must smoke while eating .
- People should speak when drinking .
- Muslims can drink and eat during the day , in Ramadhan .
- the children start eating before their parents
b – Combine the following statements to make a new one . Use the linkers between brackets .
- The boy is very hungry . He must chew food very slowly . ( although )
- People will not put on weight . They go on a diet . ( if )
c- Pronunciation
- Read the text and pick out words that have the sounds / ai / and /ei /
/ ai / / ei /
Part 2 : ( 06 pts )
One of your classmates is very fat .He / She is suffering from over weight . You are very sensitive to his / her problem .
- Talk to him /her.
- Put down notes about what you’re going to suggest as advice, .to help him / her lose weight .
- Write a leaflet containing recommendations for a healthy diet.